Welcome to the Kate's Cardigan Knitalong!
The knitting and discussion group for this flattering design by Elizabeth Morrison from Knitcircus Magazine, Issue #5 is open to everyone who'd like to join.
The KAL starts March 1, 2009 and goes for six months. Watch this blog and our Ravelry group, Knitcircus, for buttons for your blog, a flickr group to share your projects,a special graphic "trophy" for when you finish, and events and prizes along the way!
Designer Elizabeth will help and support you throughout the process. Thanks so much, Elizabeth!.
If you're participating, please email jaalaATknitcircusDOTcom and we'll add your blog link to the sidebar.
ReplyDeleteI just tried to send an email to:
jaalaATknitcircusDOTcom - substituting the AT and DOT, but the email bounced. Is there another email I can use? Or, if you send me a note at: joanne@jconklin.com I can reply with my questions.
ps...the message I got when the email bounced was "forbidden for policy reasons"... whatever that means!